Bitcoin tumbling

What Is a Bitcoin Tumbler? Are They Legal?

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Emails will be deleted in 24 hours after opening. I've read worse scifi! If you are utilizing BitcoinTumbling, it will make your transactions quantities random and delay the process by few hours. All rights reserved. Holy shit that sounds like it was intense as fuck Electrum will restore your wallet along with its balance.

That's, roughly speaking, what happens in tumblers…. The way bitcoin transactions work causes them to be chained together in a permanent public record. They are traceable along the blockchain from one bitcoin address to another. A bitcoin laundry breaks this chain by having two independent wallets, receiving bitcoins to one wallet and sending them from another wallet.

Instead of the transaction being a permanent public record, only the bitcoin laundry knows where the bitcoins came from and where they went.

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The end result is that the bitcoins can't be traced directly through the blockchain. Sign up to join this community.


The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is a bitcoin tumbler? Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. Active 2 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 33k times. From this event I have several related questions: How does a bitcoin tumbler "launder" bitcoins?

Improve this question. Rodrigo de Azevedo 14 14 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. How does a bitcoin tumbler "launder" bitcoins? This is probably answered above Is a tumbling a viable laundering scheme? See answer to 2. Improve this answer. John John 2 2 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges. Why would an exchange accept bitcoin that come from a tumbler?

Isn't that like clearly admitting "this is laundered money I am trying to give you! The analogy they gave was a collection plate at a church: You may have seen collection bags that go around churches, where you put a bill in your closed fist and stick your hand in the bag, so no one knows how much you put in or took out.

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Cryptocurrency tumbler or cryptocurrency mixing service is a service offered to mix potentially identifiable or 'tainted' cryptocurrency funds with others, so as to. When you tumble cryptocurrencies, you essentially take bitcoin from several different wallets, combine them, redistribute them into different.

Because won't those notes appear whenever anyone checks transactions on block chain that are coming from this guy? Great idea just as you can see on some the very first wallets i found huge ones people left notes on 10cent.

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  2. email scam password bitcoin.
  3. Cryptocurrency tumbler - Wikipedia.
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Firstly the one you send won't be stolen, secondly if he spends it and it ends up in the wallet of a legit business somewhere, you could end up going around in circles. They don't help when he gets them all back in huge lump sums I've tracked so many from top wallets all the way down to where they finally stopped it appears once he gets them down to a wallet worth k give or take that's the end wallet he will attempt to cash out of course i have to follow all those transactions thru about wallets to get to the end which I'm compiling a list of all top wallets then he breaks those down to increments of something like k-1mil which i save all those wallets then follow his process thru a crap load of wallets down to what I'm calling his drop wallets where he appears to stop when gets small enough and I've.

I followed him for hours yesterday, he was creating new wallets, moving BTC in, waiting for enough confirmations, then moving BTC into the next wallet, leaving the balance at zero. I would see the new wallet before the first confirmation even appeared on the blockchain.

I'd point my mobile at the QR code,and send a memorable number.

Crypto selloff sends Bitcoin tumbling below $50,000

He must have felt he devil was chasing him. You don't let employees anywhere near bitcoin wallets,so i knew for sure it was him, and me. Imagine you think someone is following you. You create a new wallet address, try to hide quarter of amillion dollars in it, and within 5 minutes that same wallet address has found you.

He was obviously using multibit client. He must have felt safe after tumbling it,and just wanted to gather all his wallets together to show his wife why they never have to worry about anything ever again. I only marked the bigget ones, he had Their addresses are remembered in my phone, and on the blockchain with a next to them.

What Is a Bitcoin Tumbler? Are They Legal? | Blocks Decoded

Historians, police, interpol, anyone can see where every penny went on the blockchain, forever. Even if he dares to change 10 btc into euros and gets away with it today, the first blockchain auditors could spot it in 20 years. Bitcoin wallets are anonymous until you have to do business with the cash zombies over in the old economy, because bank accounts and credit cards have a thing called fraud unless you prove who you are.

I don't think it needs to be said; he seems to know it. He's been "running marathons through fog" and "chasing [the perp] on the roof of a moving train", and preserving evidence for historians. We got fucking Jason BitBourne over here. Yeah, thenodman started another thread when he found the trapdoor in sheep, and I wrote one called "OK. This is how we are going to catch him", which we were using too. When you see something big going down,you're torn between following it or alerting people. That first big wallet that was found,if you click the little graph thing next to it,shows how much went in on different days.

You can see that this wasn't some poor good-intentioned man with cash flow problems. He was moving bitcoin out on an industrial scale, leaving it running to get more and more cash,and even preparing us weeks ago for withdrawal limits and miners fees. It can all be traced back to the Friday before the "Vendors are stranded on the blockchain" post I did. Thats when the old site was taken down and the trapdoor site fired up. I said it in another comment, but seriously man. You deserve more than we'll ever likely be able to give you. But you're in my thoughts man, I appreciate this.

Injustices like this need to be dealt with properly. Especially when a vast majority of us are adults investing in a currency that in its early days, unfortunately, is susceptible to fucking scummy, ratty cunts taking advantages of its flaws. EDIT: Posting on a throwaway because none of my friends know I'm interested in cryptocurrency and it's uses. Fucking fascinating, could you please explain me like a was a fucking retard but keep using your analogies, fucking love these how the hell did you chase him through the tumbler?

I didn't get this part quite well. What would prevent him from just slicing it up again and sending everything through a bunch of tumblers without pulling it back together? You're doing a valued and honorable society a service and you deserve more than you will ever get for this. You're a good man.

I honestly hope things turn out well for everyone who was fucked over by the scumbags involved. I'm appreciative of what you have done. I'd like to make a small donation.

I can't afford much as I've recently been robbed. But please. Let me send you something. First, some background: I have never been to the Sheep Market website.

I do not have an account there, I don't even know the URL. I heard about it after the scam when it hit the news. I clicked "deposit", took the address, and sent over 4 BTC from my Coinbase account. I then traded for about 6 hours between BTC and LTC it was volatile that day without logging out or closing my computer. This is the important part: The site functioned as normal, my transaction history was updating as normal, the troll box was blazing, I made about.

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However now looking at my email, I received no email notification of my trades or deposit. Then, like many that day, I got logged out of my account when I tried to set up a trade. He just hadn't been caught yet.