Ppt on bitcoin technology

Blockchain Technology PowerPoint PPT Presentations

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This complete presentation covers all the design elements such as layout, diagrams, icons, and more. Presentation is loading. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Posted: 6 days ago Android Certification training by Edureka is now certified by Google. However, what they regularly need is the vision to perceive how the new technology they are opposing will improve their lives later on.

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This seminar discus about BITCOIN TECHNOLOGY. its EVOlUTION,TERMS USED IN BITCOIN,MINING,AQUIRING, BITCOIN, HOW TO STORE. A PPT presentation on blockchain technology for download. From Bitcoin's history to use cases to challenges, various topics are covered and commented.

Audiences need to be engaged with the material and subject matter. This promotes deeper understanding. Note: All example slides below are accessible in Blockchain Presentation PowerPoint Diagrams see details by clicking the pictures. Dedicating an entire slide to a definition is a great way to focus audience attention and literally spell out what a term means.

With customization of colors and icons, you can easily define any terms your audience may be unfamiliar with. Your audience is more likely to be able to follow along with the process if you provide details and descriptions of each step. By customizing the color scheme and appearance and each phase you can match your process, brand, and the rest of your presentation. You can represent processes with a timeline graphic or roadmap. There are multiple ways to do this.

Bitcoin Presentation

The star version is engaging and utilizes a lot of color. The list diagram also makes use of color, but utilizes ore text.

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Blockchain technology makes middlemen so-called trusted third parties obsolete in many applications. Bitcoin can serve as an example here. Bitcoins are not routed via a central instance, e.

Presentation on theme: "Bitcoins & Cryptocurrency"— Presentation transcript:

Blockchain technology has a wide range of applications for consensus building. In a finite timeframe, all participants of the blockchain agree on a proposal, which was worked out by a benign participant. At Bitcoin, for example, all participants agree on who owns how many bitcoins.

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But many applications are also conceivable in industry. Finally, a public blockchain can also be used for the automated creation of witnesses. If something is published on a public blockchain, all participants become witnesses.

Bitcoins & Cryptocurrency

This is used, for example, by OriginStamp to create a secure timestamp for documents. Although Blockchain technology has a strong disruptive power and can change many areas of our daily lives, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. Over the years, the features of OriginStamp have been extended and new services developed, and we now offer our service both for non-profits and for commercial projects.

What is Bitcoin? How does it work and how can it be used? Slide 4: Bitcoin is not Blockchain Bitcoin does not equal Blockchain. Bitcoin is a currency and a system that uses a blockchain as underlying datastructure, which can be used for many things, including cryptocurrencies.