Folding at home bitcoin

Folding@Home: How Crypto Communities Are Helping With Coronavirus Research

Fold at home distributes datapackets that need to be worked on by computers. Once computers finish the work, they send a report of the data back to the host. What if Bitcoin mining were, instead, Folding at home? Folding home work is not compatible with the required properties of the work that needs to be performed for bitcoin.

In particular, the computation work required for bitcoin mining needs to assure:.

The folding home problems provide neither assurance of difficulty nor are in any way easy to scale depending on network power since each folding problem is unique. They probably do meet the b ease of verification, but not the other criteria. Trying to use Folding home as a way to secure Bitcoin would be really hard if not impossible.

You would need to encode Bitcoin-related data into your result merkle root, previous block hash, etc.

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However, you could use Folding home to create a centralised currency. Say, for every work unit completed, one would earn 1 Fold or something. Those could be traded between people and used like any other currency. This would work if there were some people wishing to trade anything of values for the Folds - perhaps some people who want to support the project would start buying them for money and start driving the economy this way. If there would be enough people that would wish for this monetary project to succeed, it could work, as long as you would trust the party responsible for managing the money.

You need work that is hard to solve, but easy to verify. Folding work is hard to solve and hard to verify. You want work that is "useless", for market stability. If a cure for cancer is found then the value of folding drops significantly, and the value of the currency falls.

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Fight COVID-19 By Folding@Home

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Cryptocurrency mining PC army joins coronavirus research project

Check out his other work here. We previously collected donations to fund Bitcoin advertising efforts, but we no longer accept donations.

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The funds already donated will be spent on some sort of advertising, as intended. As of now, If you have ideas for the remaining BTC, see here for more info. In regards to folding home self.

Some guy said those who cant use their computers for gpu mining should use our computers for Stanford to help do some extra research. I thought it was a good idea. I mean, you're using otherwise useless computer time to help Stanford cure diseases and stuff. And I know it's not much, but it's like donating a little bit of money through electricity. It doesn't do much but put together it could really help. And a lot of people in the comments said it was bad!

They said things like "I'd rather mine Litecoins. It really disappointed me.

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I thought the Bitcoin community could help out a little. But instead they're too interested in earning money. You realize there is a "reply" button in reddit? It's what makes the subreddit nicely organized into topics. You're being mad at people because they rather want to work for money, instead of doing voluntary work.

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I see what you're saying. And it's true that the processing power would help further scientific research. But, you have to consider that many people purchased their bitcoin mining hardware to mine bitcoins aka make money.