Dig coin bitcointalk

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It has a simple interface, a drop down menu with a list of pre-configured pools and it is not difficult to setup. After you install the miner, you need to point it towards your pool. There are several options for Mining Bitcoins some of these are no longer profitable, but for the sake of being thorough here they are in order of efficiency lowest to highest:. Currently the most efficient method is to use ASIC miners as with the difficulty always increasing, it becomes harder and harder to gain returns on lower spec hardware. Most ASICS work out the box and have built in web interfaces to control and monitor the hashing of the device, where as other forms of mining normally require a bit getting down and dirty in the command line.

Also as its mostly ineffective to mine in any other way this is generally the way most people choose to go although there is normally a high barrier to entry due to the high cost of entry e.

Bitcoin Talk Show #54 - Topic: Bitcoin Basics - SKYPE WorldCryptoNetwork (2018-02-15) #LIVE

When mining you want to ensure maximum possible up time as whenever you have hardware not hashing you are loosing money, So its pretty important to setup some kind of monitoring for your devices. Some mining software comes with this built in however there are also some other options out there.

The Final piece in the puzzle is the pool, now obviously you can choose one of the many pools already out there or you can run your own pool. Running your own pool can be a daunting task for beginners, but it is well worthwhile with the knowledge you learn while building and maintaining it. It is now difficult with specialized hardware butterfly labs, kncminer Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How can I start mining Bitcoin? Ask Question.

Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. Active 3 years ago. Viewed 52k times. I don't care if I make only a small amount of bitcoins mining. I want to mine. Is it damn simple, or it's a damn-high-geek-setup? How much should I expect in this simple system per month with my machine on all time? Improve this question.


I cleaned up your question a bit. I advise you remove the last mini-question about how much can you expect, because it's already been answered - bitcoin. Also, I think you should specify Windows or Linux. Or perhaps answerers will provide a generic answer. I'll mantain the last part of the question, maybe someone have a similar system, just that.

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If you read in my question " LinuxMint Anyway, truly thank you. It's a "CPU friendly" bitcoin fork that looks relatively promising.

It's utterly and completely pointless. The effort alone of writing this post, let alone reading the answers and setting up a miner, won't even remotely be repaid by the ridiculously tiny amount of coins you'll generate.

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Oct 10 '11 at Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. Before you go through all this work, it is important to know what to expect from your hardware. That's it. You can now see your progress at the pool's website. We recommend using hardware wallet, here are some recommendations: Securely trade on-the-go and manage a large number of assets at the same time, with only one device. Injective Protocol is an ERC20 token operating on the Ethereum blockchain which allows it to be stored on a wide range of wallets of both the hardware and software variety.

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After you get the Ethereum or Bitcoin, you can convert it to Injective Protocol. It is able to resolve the common scalability issues while delivering to-notch performance. Injective Protocol has a native token called INJ. What is Injective Protocol. The INJ token is used to govern key components of the Injective Chain including the futures protocol such as new listings , exchange parameters, and protocol upgrades. Are there any hidden gems in defi? Please make your investments very cautiously.

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